general information
Hotel Information
December is a busy time in Gatlinburg. We advise that parents make arrangements and book accommodations early. All tournament games will be held on Gatlinburg-Pittman High School's campus. There are not any hotels within walking distance of campus. We recommend that families search for hotels in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, or Sevierville. Click Here to find lodging for tournaments
742 Middle Creek Rd
Sevierville, TN 37862
(865) 446-7000
1015 East Parkway
Gatlinburg, TN 37738
(865) 412-1225
1219 East Parkway
Gatlinburg, TN 37738
(865) 430-3116
Admission: $15 each day - cash only. Spectators will be given an armband each day. Armbands will allow spectators to attend any game at any location.
Locations: Gatlinburg-Pittman High School, Gatlinburg-Pittman Junior High, Rocky Top Sports World - all are located on the same campus.